Mac M1 Android Emulator

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Using Android Studio Emulators in M1 Mac:

  • Android emulator on Mac M1 You’re now watching this thread and will receive emails when there’s activity. Click again to stop watching or visit your profile/homepage to manage your watched threads.
  • The emulator works great, its super fast, so much more than what I have used in my windows machine. And regarding the full screen halt its due to macos big sur. Had that issue on my old mac. Run this command on the terminal and it wont happen again defaults write AppleWindowTabbingMode manual.

Previously, when M1 Macbooks were released, Android studio didn’t have any support for emulators. Google has released a different preview build for emulators. You can check this build here.


Here are some of the best Android emulators for Mac. Bluestacks is one of the most popular Android emulators for Windows and is probably the best Android emulator for macOS, as well. This emulator is built primarily for mobile gamers and claims to provide a “PC-like” gaming experience for your mobile apps.

The problem with this preview build is that you can’t change the emulator device type. It works, but if you want to test your application on different device or different screen sizes, there was no other option available.

Recently, they released one change to the Android Studio SDK manager and downloading an extra emulator is no loger needed now.

In this post, I will quickly show you how to create Android Emulators on M1 chipset mac in Android Studio.

How to do that:

First, make sure that you have the latest Android Studio installed. If you have 4.1.2 or later Android studio version, this will work.

  1. First, start AVD manager. If you haven’t created any AVD or android virtual device before, you will find it in Tools->AVD Manager.

  2. Click on Create new virtual device button. It will show you a list of different devices. You can select any of these phones.

  1. Click on next. It will show you a list of system images. Basically, it shows different images for different Android Versions that can be used with the current AVD. Make sure to select the ‘Other image’ tab. Images listed under this tab are designed for Macbook M1.

That’s all. It will create one emulator using that selected image. You can also create different virtual devices using the same image.

M1 Macbookを使っている方はFlutterの環境構築でAndroidエミュレータが使えなくて焦ったと思います。





M1 Macbookではエミュレータが使えないということで、2020年の12月頃にGoogleがAndroidのデモ操作をできるパッケージを提供しました。

そのパッケージを使うことでAndroid Emulatorというアプリをダウンロードして起動してデモ操作ができるようになりました。

そして2021年3月頃に、そのパッケージは必要なくなりました。Android Studioでエミュレータが起動できるようになったからです。


Android Studio Apple M1 Emulator

まず画面右上の辺りからAVD Managerを開き、 Create Virtual Device...を開きます。

Mac M1 Android Emulator


次にOther Imagesの欄に移動してください。
私は既にダウンロード済みになっていますが、 API Level30辺りを適当に選択して、ください。


ダウンロードが完了して開こうとすると、The emulator process for AVD was killed と出てエミュレータは開けないでしょう。

Android Emulator Mac M1 Download

ここで一度API Levelがダウンロードしたエミュレータと同じものを利用できるようになっているかチェックしてみてください。

Mac M1 Android Emulator Online





Mac M1 Android Simulator


がダウンロードされているはずです。このファイルをクリックすると emulator-darwin-aarch64-0.2


Mac M1 Android Emulator No Internet

そしてAVD Managerを開くと


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